Fire Safety Pune

Big industrial complexes and Govt. departments invest lots of funds for equipment, apparatus, physical plant improvements, service award programs and much other worthwhile expenditure. All of this is wasted, if properly trained manpower is not available. A single fire/industrial accident in any establishment can challenge the existence of the unit. FCFSM training program in Fire & Industrial Safety Management provides not only skills beyond fighting fire, but disseminate in-depth knowledge. PCFSM college of diploma in fire engineering offer industrial safety management diploma programs, construction safety, Diploma in Health & Safety Environment, Fire Protection Engineering,fire officer course.

FCFSM is dedicated to impart training to the aspiring students to save the life, save material and property by preventing fire incidents. The offered program in Fire & Industrial Safety Management diploma program is need of the hour leading to:

  • Training improves SAFETY
  • Training reduces FIRE LOSSES
  • Training creates ESPRIT-DE-CORPS
  • Training saves LIFE AND PROPERTY

Training is not the most important thing; it is the ONLY THING as SAFETY SAVES.

Department Info

Chandralop Tower, Sr. No.33, Canal Road, Warje Malwadi, Near Atul Avenue, Pune – 411058, India

Mobile: +91 8411800093/8411800094

Mon – Fri 9:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.

Social Info

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